life lesson by mufti menk-254


1.The road we’re traveling is getting tougher. No doubt about that. But we’re still here. Because the Almighty is charting our course every step of the way. Remember nothing happens by chance.

2.Quit overthinking. It will happen if the Almighty wills it. Any delay would mean that He has something better planned for you. Be patient. Let your heart be at peace, knowing that He’s always there for you.

3.Things didn’t work out because you were under the Almighty’s Divine Protection. Yet, half the time we pine for what’s over and gone and refuse to accept that He did it in our best interest. He always does.

4.Almighty. We thank you for everything. We’ve learnt not to worry about tomorrow because YOU pulled us through yesterday. Now, we’ve been blessed with another new day. With Your help, we will face tomorrow and whatever You send our way. Aameen.0

5.Gossip is verbal poison. It seeks to defame & discredit others. It’s hurtful & dangerous. It’s the quickest way to destroy trust and friendships. Don’t take it lightly. You may think it’s harmless but you’re actually ruining someone’s reputation. You’ll pay a high price for it.‬

6.Take things in your stride. Don't drive yourself crazy worrying over everything. Trust the Almighty unconditionally. Never stop asking and praying. He can lead you through any storm.

7.Take the spite out of your heart. Purify it. Your heart is a small organ. When you fill it with hatred, you’re preventing it from being filled with the love of the Almighty. Always ask Him to protect us from hearts that are consumed by hatred, envy, pride, jealousy.

8.Toxic people love playing victim. Be mindful of them. They’re also good at manipulating others into believing that you're the bad guy. Don’t worry if you’ve been blamed for something you didn’t do. That’s life really. What’s important is The Almighty is All-Knowing. He’s aware.

9.Even the people closest to you may say mean and nasty things. Take it in your stride. That’s just how life is. Your job is to be patient and rise above it all. Never forget that the Almighty hears everything. Surely He will make things right.

10.Every stage of your life is preparing you for the next level. Be content with what is and what’s to come. The Almighty has planned it all. Even if you seem to be in a hopeless situation and feel vulnerable, remember it will come to pass and be okay in the end.

11.Don’t worry about those who make fun of people who are serious about their faith. They may laugh at you or even mock you. It’s okay. Take it in your stride. You’re doing it for your Creator. The Almighty. The Lord of the Worlds. Not for anyone else.

12.When you make a promise, fulfill it. When you make a pledge, honour it. When you're entrusted, uphold it. When you've undertaken to do something, do it well. Your word should be as good as gold. Be upright, honest, hardworking, humble, selfless, loyal, trusted, faithful and very polite.

13.Sometimes life pushes us to a corner, making it hard to move forward. Almighty, Help us to not quit but to keep going on the straight path. Give us the strength to overcome each obstacle placed in our way. We have full faith in You. Your Mercy. Your Might.

14.Pushing forward isn't always easy. But that’s where growth lies. Challenges should draw us closer to the Almighty. Be grateful He’s testing us. That’s part of His Plan.

15.Your parents are a test for you and you’re a test for them. Accept that. Coping with difficult parents isn’t easy. They’re also human, flawed & weak just like everyone. You need to accept them for who they are. You can’t change them. The only person you can change is yourself.‬


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