life lesson by mufti menk-256


1.Almighty. Grant us strength and courage in these difficult times. There’s a lot of anxiety and uncertainty gripping many of us. You know what is going to happen and You have promised to bring good out of every situation. We lay our trust in You; our greatest source of Hope. Aameen.

2.Hold on tight to your faith. Replace worry with worship. Panic with peace. Always remember that the Almighty is in control. Hand over your nagging doubts and innermost fears to Him. He will set them right for you and your heart will find tranquility once again.

3.Patience and faith are your best allies when things are tough and uncertain. Never think that the Almighty is unaware of what you’re going through. He’s in control every step of the way. He will unveil His plans when the time is right.

4.We had no say when we came into this world and similarly, we will have no say when we will leave this earth. Yet, we behave as if we know it all. We trudge the earth arrogantly without sparing a thought for others. Stay humble.

5.Don’t make the mistake of telling someone too much about yourself. Oversharing is bad. It can invite negative energy and vibes from those who don’t want good for you. Share only with those who have proven they truly care.

6.Don’t feel miserable and depressed when people misunderstand and reject you. It’s part of the Almighty’s plan to make you realize that you shouldn’t rely on His Creation but only on the One who created you.

7.Almighty. Grant us the strength and patience to face the challenges sent our way. You are our only hope. Without You, we have no one and nothing. Guide us every step of the way. We know You have our backs. Grant us success. Aameen.

8.You can’t change the past but you can build on it. Do not obsess over "if only". It’s the trick of Satan. Just focus on "what’s next". We don’t know what lies ahead but the Almighty does. Be optimistic and trust His plans.

9.What the heart sees, the mind preserves. Be careful. That’s why it’s important to lower the gaze. Letting the gaze go astray makes the heart blind; it can’t tell between truth & falsehood. It also cloaks the heart with darkness while lowering the gaze clothes it in light.

10.You didn’t get what you’ve been asking for and you think the Almighty is upset with you. Never think that way of the Almighty because He knows what you don’t. He could be saving you from a calamity. Unanswered prayers can be your greatest blessings. Have faith, trust Him always.


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