life lesson by mufti menk-260


1.Satan works overtime to create doubt & disbelief in your minds. Don’t fall prey to it. Keep a lid on his whispering. He will never give up. That’s why you need to bolt the door and focus on your journey ahead. Don’t let him trick you. ‬

2.Almighty. Keep our hopes alive as many feel broken and in need of comfort. It may be hard for some to focus on blessings when times are tough. When days look dark & stress runs high, guide us to the path of light. Aameen.

3.People will hurt you without a doubt. When that happens, don't take that hurt and confide in others. Use it to get closer to the Almighty. Confide in Him. Let Him heal you and deal with the culprits.

4.Even when all your plans fail and all doors seem shut, don’t despair. Cry out to the All-Knowing and seek refuge in Him. He'll find a way out for you. Trust Him.

5.We’ve all felt this many times. Helpless, hopeless and powerless. But giving up is never an option. Hope is what keeps us alive. No matter what’s going on out there, cling on to hope, knowing that the Almighty is with us. He knows what’s going on even when we don’t.

6.Almighty. We seek Your help amid the violence still going on in Lebanon & Palestine. Protect the people from the aggression of the enemies. We ask You to bring about justice. We pray for those killed & the civilians targetted daily. We seek Your Help to end this senseless killing.

7.The Almighty works according to His timing, not yours or mine. Don’t rush Him. Sometimes the wait might be long. But nothing goes unanswered. Trust Him. Bear beautiful patience while you wait. Great things take time.

8.Distancing yourself from those who drain your energy, those who constantly want to argue and criticise etc is self-preservation. Sometimes you just have to do it for your own sanity and to keep the peace.

9.Stop stressing because you haven’t figured it all out yet. No one has. Trust that the Almighty has your back. He will test your faith. He will test your patience. He will test your sincerity. Take it in your stride. Don’t rush things.

10.Never be among the ungrateful. Never forget to show gratitude. Never get tired of thanking the Almighty because He never gets tired of blessing us. Again and again.

11.Be yourself despite what others do to humiliate and derail your plans. That’s confidence. You stay true to yourself. You don’t try to mould yourself to fit into someone else’s expectation of you.

12.O Allah. Ease the pain & suffering of the people of Lebanon & Palestine whose lives have been torn apart. Help & protect them. Bestow Your Mercy on them. We pray for those who’ve been killed, the grieving & injured. You’re the Only source of strength. We lay our trust in You.

13.Are you always unhappy & discontented? If you are, check yourselves for these symptoms. Are you always criticising others; complaining that your life isn’t good enough; quick to condemn people or comparing yourself with your neighbours? Stop all that & feel the difference.

14.Happiness will not come to those who are never grateful for the Almighty’s blessings; those who don’t appreciate what they already have. This world is not a place where you get exactly what you want. There are many out there who will never have what you have; so be thankful.

15.Happiness will not come to those who are never grateful for the Almighty’s blessings; those who don’t appreciate what they already have. This world is not a place where you get exactly what you want. There are many out there who will never have what you have; so be thankful.


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