life lesson by mufti menk-261

 1.You don’t have to compromise your convictions to be compassionate. By all means disagree with someone on anything and everything. But don’t hate them. Similarly, just because you love someone, you don’t have to agree with everything they believe or do. Be firm but polite always.

2.Almighty. Help and protect the people of Palestine and Lebanon. Our hearts are heavy as we watch scenes unfolding daily. Ease their pain and suffering. Bestow Your Mercy upon them. Lift their affliction and make them victorious. Aameen.

3.Almighty. Help and protect the people of Palestine and Lebanon. Our hearts are heavy as we watch scenes unfolding daily. Ease their pain and suffering. Bestow Your Mercy upon them. Lift their affliction and make them victorious. Aameen.

4.When your heart is heavy & burdened & your mind sees no way out, that’s when you need to trust the Almighty & depend on Him even more. Don’t entertain negative thoughts from Satan. Rise above it. It won’t be easy but you must do it. Bear utmost patience & He will find a way out.

5.We have enough successful people in this world. We need more with compassion and empathy, good behaviour and conduct.

6.Unfortunately, many people today think that unwholesome talk & swear words are cool. They’re not. Obscene, foolish talk or tasteless jokes have zero value. If at all, they might be hurtful. Keep a tight reign on your tongue & always use words that build others up.

7.Almighty. Protect our brothers and sisters in Palestine and Lebanon. Grant them a speedy recovery from their injuries and losses. Grant those who've been martyred the highest ranks of Paradise. Aameen

8.Think positive. Believe in yourself. Stay on the straight path. Nurture your faith. It’s a full time job. No days off. Don’t let Satan mess with your mind.

9.Don’t waste time. Don’t put off till tomorrow what you should be doing today. Life is short. Do as many good deeds as possible before your time is up. Yesterday can never be tomorrow. Don’t listen to Satan. If he can’t make you sin, he will make you waste time.

10.Almighty. Grant us renewed strength. Our souls are tired, sapped by the worldly goings-on. We can’t carry on alone. Grant us the courage, wisdom and peace of mind to correctly process that which cannot be changed. We know You have a plan for us and it’s a beautiful one. Aameen.

11.Be positive. Focus on what matters. Negativity is not the vibe you want. If you allow it, negativity can sap your energy & leave you feeling drained. It can kill your inner peace. Recognise these symptoms & learn to make better choices. Disregard the noise outside.

12.Be positive. Focus on what matters. Negativity is not the vibe you want. If you allow it, negativity can sap your energy & leave you feeling drained. It can kill your inner peace. Recognise these symptoms & learn to make better choices. Disregard the noise outside.

13.Help someone even if you know you’ll get nothing in return. The truth is anyone can help when there’s something in it for them but to help when there’s nothing to be gained shows a beautiful heart. It shows true sincerity. If you know someone like that, you’re blessed.

14.Today, many crave attention. Sometimes they do it at the expense of what is priceless. Yes. Peace. You often see the most mundane detail of someone’s life on social media, expecting likes & comments. Stay away from the fray. Maintain your dignity.

15.I just heard this.

"Don’t be sad if you don’t have many true friends. A Lamborghini has two seats. A bus has thirty!" What do you think?


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