life lesson by mufti menk-266
1.Do you quarrel a lot? Ramadan is a great time to get into the habit of avoiding quarreling. There’s a huge reward of a special house in Paradise if you’re able to avoid quarreling, even if you are in the right.
2.Ramadan is a very special month. Don’t waste it. Make an effort because the Almighty has given us concessions and huge rewards. Losing out would be foolish.
3.The past is over. Today is a new day; you are not the same person you were yesterday. Believe that today will be better than yesterday. It’s about looking up with hope and looking forward. Look for new opportunities that the Almighty has planned for you.
4.You may be doing all the right things but you’re not seeing results. You keep asking the Almighty and you think it’s all come to a standstill. Don’t give up. Keep enduring, keep persevering. It’s always darkest before dawn.
5.When you’re always making assumptions about others, you damage your capacity to relate to them. You’re always assuming you know how they think & feel so you stop listening & communicating, leading to misunderstanding. Be mindful because this could spiral into negative thinking.
6.Prepare for Ramadan by softening your heart. Renew your link with the Almighty and get closer to all that’s pleasing to Him. Start repenting sincerely. Commit to change for the better & discard old habits.
7.As we approach Ramadan let us purify our hearts and intention. Live humbly no matter how rich you are, think positively, forgive people and pray for the best outcome always.
8.Give people time and space to do what they need to do. Stop micro-managing. You can advise and suggest but you can’t force anyone. You can pray for them to be guided and leave the rest to the Almighy. He’s the Owner of Guidance. He guides whom He wills.
9.When you choose to get closer to the Almighty, you might become the target of brickbats and gossip. Never apologize for being a version of you that they’re not used to. If people cannot accept the NEW you, it’s not your problem but theirs.
10.Ask the Almighty for protection from knowledge that’s not beneficial, a heart that doesn’t fear, a soul that’s never satisfied and a prayer that’s not answered. Focus on the right things in life and do what pleases Him.
11.When the Almighty blocks it, leave it be. If you’ve done your part and nothing is happening, move on. Period.
12.Ask the Almighty for protection from knowledge that’s not beneficial, a heart that doesn’t fear, a soul that’s never satisfied and a prayer that’s not answered. Focus on the right things in life and do what pleases Him.
13.Ask the Almighty for protection from knowledge that’s not beneficial, a heart that doesn’t fear, a soul that’s never satisfied and a prayer that’s not answered. Focus on the right things in life and do what pleases Him.
14.Almighty. With Ramadan around the corner, help those who want to reboot their lives and get closer to You. Grant them ease and don’t make them feel overwhelmed. Help them to understand that true success in this world and the next comes from obeying You. Aameen.
15.Are you guilty of replaying failed scenarios in your mind? Do you overthink and constantly feed your self-doubt? If you do, you need to quit and steer your mind back on track. It’s not easy because Satan will always mess with your mind. Seek the Almighty’s help. Keep your focus.
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