life lesson by mufti menk-267


1.Don’t let anyone bring you down or demean your good intentions. No one knows what you’re going through but the Almighty. Keep pushing yourself. Keep moving. Even if you don’t know what’s going on. One day, it will all make sense.

2.Always have a grateful heart. Thank the Almighty for the blessings, both big and small. There are many out there who have it worse.

3.Always seek your strength & guidance from the Almighty. Don’t wallow in self-pity. Don’t lose your trust in Him. Remember, He knows best. He will make it easier to move on. He has your back.

4.Get rid of envy and jealousy. You should not harbour such feelings towards those around you for their blessings. You never know what the Almighty took away from them.

5.Almighty. It has not been an easy period for many. Hardship and uncertainty making it difficult to move forward. But we trust that You will send a turnaround soon. You will heal everything. Aameen.

6.These are months of forgiveness. Just as we want Him to forgive us, we should try to forgive others. Work on mending broken ties and relationships. Make the intention and do it. May He facilitate and grant ease.

7.Don’t waste time searching for perfection. Not in this world. Do your best. Accept things and trust the Almighty along the way. Remember, He doesn’t expect you to be perfect. He just wants you to try.

8.Strive to get closer to the Almighty. He will transform your fear into faith, your worries into hope and sadness into joy. Trust Him and you will surely see better days ahead.

9.Almighty. Help us to focus on what matters as there’s so much going on around us. We see failure, frustration and fatigue. Help us to take it one step at a time because we know You’re in full control. May we surrender to Your Decree and never give up. Aameen.

10.Don’t waste time on idle chitchat. There’s so much to do and so little time. Remember, tomorrow is not promised to anyone. Seize today. Prioritise your activities. Make an impact. Leave a mark. Life’s too short to be doing otherwise.

11.Don't let droplets of sins become oceans of regret. Keep repenting and asking for the Almighty’s forgiveness. Be sincere and ask Him wholeheartedly. ‬

12.Always choose worship over worry. Make it a habit that in all matters, go to the Almighty first, not last. He loves it when you turn to Him and seek His Help.

13.It’s been one challenge after another and you’re feeling numb. Don’t despair. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but rest assured that if you trust Him, there will be a way out. Hold on for just a little bit longer.

14.Almighty. Grant us light when our world is enveloped in darkness. Grant us hope when despair fills our souls. Grant us strength when doubts threaten to shake our belief. Be our Guide when we lose our way. Keep us under Your Protection as we go through the trials of life.

15.Talking too much can be detrimental to your health and faith. Sometimes, just listening and not saying anything is the best answer. Remember that your silence can’t be misquoted.


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