life lesson by mufti menk-268


1.Remember, the Almighty is bigger than all your problems put together. Nothing is too big for Him. Lay your trust in Him and watch the life-changing moments He sends your way.

2.The most fortunate person isn't he who has worldly wealth but he who is quick to repent, seeks forgiveness often and feels remorse and regret for all his sins.

3.When your heart is heavy and you feel you can't get out of bed to face another day, ask the Almighty to lift you. His Strength is all you need. Just ask Him.

4.Almighty. Help me to weather the storms of life. I can’t do it on my own. I need Your power and strength to face them. Help me to always turn to You first. Help me to patiently endure the hard times and to fully trust You in the process

5.Never lose hope. To do so would be to give up on your merciful Lord. Trust Him that things will get better. The storm won’t last forever.

6.We all sin without a doubt. Don’t hate yourself when it happens. Recognise it. Feel the regret. Repent sincerely and vow to never repeat it. The Almighty is All-Forgiving if you're really remorseful and want to change.

7.Learn to let go of things didn’t work out. That’s life in a nutshell. Keep going. You’ll never win this race of life if you keep looking back. The mistakes you’ve made don’t define who you are today. Think positive‬ that things will get better.

8.People are such that if good touches you, it distresses them; but if harm strikes you, they rejoice. Such is life. That’s why you need to be discerning when sharing. Choose carefully. Not everyone deserves to know everything about you.

9.The darkness, the tears, the lonely nights. Embrace them. They brought you back to the One who made you. The One who showed you the path of light and lightened the heaviness in your heart. Trust Him to always be there for you.

10.Almighty. Keep us always on the straight path with righteousness. Keep us firm in faith. Never let us be among the doubters. Save us from the fire and the punishment of the grave. Make the highest Paradise our final abode. Aameen.

11.Don’t let excitement make you share things too early. Be silent until you’re sure. Even when you’re sure, don’t give away too much. The less they know about you, the more peaceful your life.

12.Almighty. Help us deal with difficult people. Keep us humble, no matter what they say about us. Help us to be guided by what You’ve taught us and not by our emotions. Steer us to make the right choice in such situations. Aameen.

13.If you still have a heart full of compassion and empathy, thank the Almighty for having protected you. For the world is filled with people without love. Without regard for humanity and human life.

14.Look back and thank the Almighty. Look ahead and trust Him. That’s the best way to live in a world that has lost its moral compass.

15.You may not know what lies ahead but you know the Author. Trust Him and move ahead with firm faith.


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