
Showing posts from March, 2025

life lesson by mufti menk-267

  1. Don’t let anyone bring you down or demean your good intentions. No one knows what you’re going through but the Almighty. Keep pushing yourself. Keep moving. Even if you don’t know what’s going on. One day, it will all make sense. 2. Always have a grateful heart. Thank the Almighty for the blessings, both big and small. There are many out there who have it worse. 3. Always seek your strength & guidance from the Almighty. Don’t wallow in self-pity. Don’t lose your trust in Him. Remember, He knows best. He will make it easier to move on. He has your back. 4. Get rid of envy and jealousy. You should not harbour such feelings towards those around you for their blessings. You never know what the Almighty took away from them. 5. Almighty. It has not been an easy period for many. Hardship and uncertainty making it difficult to move forward. But we trust that You will send a turnaround soon. You will heal everything. Aameen. 6. These are months of forgiveness. Just as we want Him ...

life lesson by mufti menk-268

  1. Remember, the Almighty is bigger than all your problems put together. Nothing is too big for Him. Lay your trust in Him and watch the life-changing moments He sends your way. 2. The most fortunate person isn't he who has worldly wealth but he who is quick to repent, seeks forgiveness often and feels remorse and regret for all his sins. 3. When your heart is heavy and you feel you can't get out of bed to face another day, ask the Almighty to lift you. His Strength is all you need. Just ask Him. 4. Almighty. Help me to weather the storms of life. I can’t do it on my own. I need Your power and strength to face them. Help me to always turn to You first. Help me to patiently endure the hard times and to fully trust You in the process 5. Never lose hope. To do so would be to give up on your merciful Lord. Trust Him that things will get better. The storm won’t last forever. 6. We all sin without a doubt. Don’t hate yourself when it happens. Recognise it. Feel the regret. Repent...

life lesson by mufti menk-269

  1. What people think of you doesn’t matter. Focus on pleasing the Almighty. Do things for His sake. Your world will not only become much brighter, you’ll have better focus and outlook overall. 2. What people think of you doesn’t matter. Focus on pleasing the Almighty. Do things for His sake. Your world will not only become much brighter, you’ll have better focus and outlook overall. 3. Almighty. Surround us with Your Mercy & Protection. Comfort those who are grieving. We are keeping them in prayer. We won’t give up hope. We know even in the darkest hours, You’re always with us. You’re our refuge & strength. Aameen. 4. Don’t speak ill of others. You might “feel” good for a while but you will end up regretting it. It will come back to haunt you in ways you never imagined. The Almighty will see to it. Best to stay away from such toxic acts.‬ 5. No matter what you’re going through, the Almighty can bring the greatest blessings even in the worst of circumstances. You’ve got to...

life lesson by mufti menk-266

  1. Do you quarrel a lot? Ramadan is a great time to get into the habit of avoiding quarreling.  There’s a huge reward of a special house in Paradise if you’re able to avoid quarreling, even if you are in the right. 2. Ramadan is a very special month. Don’t waste it. Make an effort because the Almighty has given us concessions and huge rewards. Losing out would be foolish. 3. The past is over. Today is a new day; you are not the same person you were yesterday. Believe that today will be better than yesterday. It’s about looking up with hope and looking forward. Look for new opportunities that the Almighty has planned for you. 4. You may be doing all the right things but you’re not seeing results. You keep asking the Almighty and you think it’s all come to a standstill. Don’t give up. Keep enduring, keep persevering. It’s always darkest before dawn. 5. When you’re always making assumptions about others, you damage your capacity to relate to them. You’re always assuming you kno...