life lesson by mufti menk-150
life lesson by mufti menk-150 1. Almighty! We ask You to strengthen us so we can face whatever challenges You put in our path. We know You see our tears and hear our prayers. We also know that You're testing us. Grant us the ability to endure and face the challenges with utmost patience. Aameen. 2. Stay focused. Don’t quit at the first sign of failure. Good things come to those who persevere and put their trust in the Almighty. You may think that’s the hardest part but if you press on, you’ll succeed. 3. We worry about things and look to other people for answers. There’s a better way to do this. Strengthen your link with the Almighty. He will prepare you for what’s to come and guide you along. 4. Are you a pessimist? It's always easy to make things more problematic and negative than they really are. The next time you catch yourself making a mountain out of a molehill, ask yourself how much of it will matter in five years. Or, even next month. Change your mindset. 5. We’ve all...